How to Make Watermelon Cucumber Juice 

Making watermelon cucumber juice is a great way to stay hydrated and refreshed during summer. Watermelons are packed with water and electrolytes, making them ideal for rehydrating after a workout or a day in the sun. Cucumbers are also high in water content and add a refreshing crunch to the juice.

Together, these two ingredients make a delicious and healthy juice that is perfect for sipping on a hot summer day. If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to make watermelon cucumber juice, you only need a blender and a few simple ingredients. 

Simply combine fresh watermelon, cucumber, and lime juice in a blender and blend until smooth. In this blog post, You will learn in detail how to make watermelon cucumber juice.

How to Make Watermelon Cucumber Juice 

Summary: Making watermelon cucumber juice is easy and refreshing. First, gather fresh watermelon and cucumber, peel and cut them into small pieces. Then, blend the watermelon and cucumber together until smooth. For added flavor, you can consider adding some mint or lime juice. Finally, strain the juice to remove any pulp or seeds and serve it chilled. This healthy and delicious juice is perfect for quenching your thirst on a hot summer day.

Step-by-Step Processes for How to Make Watermelon Cucumber Juice 

Step 1: Choose the Right Watermelon & Cucumber 

The best watermelons for juicing are ripe but not too ripe. You want a still, firm watermelon with no bruises or blemishes. The cucumbers you select should also be ripe but not overripe. Look for firm ones with no soft spots.

Step 2: Wash the  Watermelon & Cucumber 

Before you cut into the watermelon or cucumber, be sure to wash the outside thoroughly. This will help remove any dirt or bacteria that may be on the surface.

Step 3: Cut the Watermelon & Cucumber 

Cut the watermelon and cucumber into pieces that will fit easily into your juicer. If you have a large juicer, you can leave the pieces larger. If you have a small juicer, you will need to cut the pieces smaller.

Cut the Watermelon and Cucumber

Step 4: Juice the Watermelon & Cucumber 

Put the watermelon and cucumber pieces into your juicer and process them according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If you do not have a juicer that strains the juice for you, you will need to strain it yourself. To do this, pour the juice into a cheesecloth-lined strainer set over a bowl. Allow the juice to drip slowly through the strainer and into the bowl.

Step 5: Pour the Juice into a Glass 

Pour the strained juice into a glass and enjoy! You can drink it as is, or add ice if you prefer. If you have any juice left over, you can store it in the fridge for up to 48 hours. Be sure to use a clean, airtight container.

Tips for How to Make Watermelon Cucumber Juice

  1. Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling any food, especially if you have been in contact with any potentially contaminated surfaces.
  2. Make sure to clean all of your equipment and surfaces thoroughly before using them to prepare your juice.
  3. Cut the watermelon and cucumber into manageable pieces before juicing them to avoid any potential injuries.
  4. Only use fresh, ripe fruits and vegetables for juicing. Avoid using any that are bruised or damaged.
  5. Drink your juice immediately or store it in a clean, airtight container in the fridge for up to 24 hours.
  6. If you are using a juicer that requires you to peel the fruits and vegetables, make sure to wash them first and avoid touching the peels with your hands.
  7. Avoid adding any extra sweetness to your juice, as the natural sugars in the fruits and vegetables are enough.
  8. If you are using a blender to make your juice, be careful not to overfill it, as this can cause the blades to become damaged.
  9. Always unplug your juicer or blender after use, and carefully clean all of the parts before storing them.
  10. If you have any food safety concerns, consult a qualified health professional.

How Much Watermelon and Cucumber Do I Need to Make Juice?

You’ll need about 3 cups of chopped watermelon and 1 cup of chopped cucumber to make juice. If you have a juicer, follow the instructions for juicing fruits and vegetables. If you don’t have a juicer, you can make juice by blending the watermelon and cucumber in a blender and then straining it through a mesh sieve or cheesecloth.

Can Make Juice by Blending

What Type of Watermelon is Best for Juicing?

There are many different types of watermelon, each with its own unique flavor and juiciness. However, not all watermelons are equally well-suited for juicing. For the best results, look for a watermelon that is:

  • Ripe: A ripe watermelon will be sweet and juicy, making for a delicious and refreshing juice. Avoid watermelons that are overly ripe or beginning to rot, as they will not produce as much juice and may make your final product taste funny.
  • Seedless: Watermelons with seeds can be juiced, but the process is a bit more messy and time-consuming. For an easy juicing experience, go for a seedless watermelon.
  • Small to Medium-Sized: Smaller watermelons are often easier to handle and yield a higher juice concentration. If you can find a personal-sized watermelon, that would be ideal.

Once you have chosen your watermelon, cut it into chunks that will fit easily into your juicer. If you are using a manual juicer, you may need to cut the chunks into even smaller pieces.

How Do You Cut the Watermelon and Cucumber for Juicing? 

To cut the watermelon and cucumber for juicing, first, wash the fruits. Cut the watermelon into small cubes or slices. Peel the cucumber and cut it into small pieces. Add the fruits to a juicer and process them according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 

Cut the Watermelon Into Small Cubes

Do You Need a Juicer to Make Watermelon Cucumber Juice, or Can You Use a Blender? 

If you have a juicer, that’s great! You can use it to make watermelon cucumber juice. If you don’t have a juicer, though, don’t worry – you can still make delicious juice using a blender. Here’s how:

First, cut up your watermelon and cucumber into chunks that will fit easily into your blender. You don’t need to peel the cucumber first, but you may want to remove the seeds.

Next, add the watermelon and cucumber chunks to your blender, along with a little bit of water. Start blending on a low setting, then gradually increase speed until everything is smooth.

Once everything is blended, you can either drink the juice immediately or store it in the fridge later.

How Long Will Watermelon Cucumber Juice Last?

If you store watermelon cucumber juice in an airtight container in the fridge, it will last for 3-4 days. After that, the quality of the juice will start to decline. However, if you want to extend your juice’s shelf life, you can freeze it for up to 6 months. Just remember to thaw the juice overnight in the fridge before you plan on drinking it.

When it comes to watermelon cucumber juice, fresh is always best. If you can, try to make the juice right before you plan on drinking it. This will ensure that you get the most nutrients and flavor out of your juice. However, we understand that life can get busy. If you need to go ahead, just follow the storage instructions above.

Watermelon cucumber juice is a refreshing and hydrating beverage that’s perfect for summertime. It’s made with just three simple ingredients – watermelon, cucumber, and lime juice – and it comes together in just a few minutes. This juice is packed with nutrients and is a great way to stay hydrated during the hotter months.

Make the Juice Right Before You Plan on Drinking

Can You Add Anything Else to the Juice?

Yes, you can add other fruits and vegetables to your watermelon cucumber juice. Some good options include apples, oranges, carrots, celery, and ginger. Just be sure to taste your juice before adding anything else, as you may not need or want to alter the flavor too much. If you’re looking for a sweeter juice, you could also add a bit of honey or agave nectar. 

What Are the Benefits of Drinking Watermelon Cucumber Juice?

Watermelon cucumber juice is a refreshing and hydrating drink that is perfect for summer. This healthy juice is packed with vitamins and minerals, which is a great way to get your daily fruit intake. 

Watermelon cucumber juice is also low in calories and fat, making it a great choice for those watching their weight. In addition to being a healthy choice, watermelon cucumber juice is also very delicious. This refreshing drink is perfect for quenching your thirst on a hot summer day.


Watermelon cucumber juice is a refreshing and healthy drink that is perfect for summer. This juice is packed with vitamins and minerals, which is a great way to get your daily fruit intake. Watermelon cucumber juice is also low in calories and fat, making it a great choice for those watching their weight.

In addition to being a healthy choice, watermelon cucumber juice is also very delicious. This refreshing drink is perfect for quenching your thirst on a hot summer day. I hope this article has been beneficial for learning how to make watermelon cucumber juice. Make Sure the precautionary measures are followed chronologically.

You Can Check It Out To Freeze Grapefruit Juice

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Pamela Ackley

Hi, I am Pamela and the FOUNDER & EDITOR of I am a juice fanatic and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing my experiences with juicers and blenders with others. I love to juice and blend my favorite fruits and vegetables, and I'm the one behind this site writing everything about juicers and blenders. My passion for juicing started at a young age when I worked with my mom in her kitchen. Today, I continue to pursue my passion by sharing everything I know about juicers and blenders with you all!