How to Juice Kale in a Juicer

If you’re looking for a nutritious and delicious way to get more kale in your diet, juicing is an excellent choice. Kale is packed with vitamins and minerals, making it an ideal ingredient to add to your daily juice routine. Not only does juicing help you pack maximum nutrition into every beverage you create, but it also allows for the simple preparation of this unique leafy green vegetable.

How to Juice Kale in a Juicer

But if you’ve never juiced before or aren’t sure what type of juicer works best for kale, don’t worry – we’ll cover everything there is to know about creating the perfect smoothie or juice! Read on to learn how to juice kale in a juicer. It can be to incorporate fresh fruits and veggies into your diet using a tried-and-true kitchen gadget – your own juicer!

What Nutrient Does Kale Contain?

Kale is an incredibly nutrient-dense vegetable with an impressive amount of vitamins and minerals. It’s loaded with vitamin K, which supports healthy bones; it also contains a good amount of dietary fiber for digestive health, as well as iron and calcium for strong bones. 

In addition, kale is packed with antioxidants to keep your body functioning optimally. Kale will also give you a nice dose of vitamin C, which helps protect your cells from damage. With all these powerful nutrients, juicing kale is a great way to get the most out of it!

What Types of Juicers Work Best?

When it comes to juicing kale, there are two main types of juicer available – masticating and centrifugal. Masticating juicers work best for leafy greens like kale as they are gentle on the delicate leaves and spin at a slower speed, producing a more nutrient-dense juice. 

Alternatively, centrifugal juicers work well with harder fruits and vegetables like carrots or apples as they spin quickly and extract the juice from them quickly. Choosing the right type of juicer for your needs is essential for getting the best results. The price may also affect your decision, so it’s worth researching the different models available before you make a purchase. It ranges from a few hundred dollars to more expensive models.

10 Steps on How to Juice Kale in a Juicer

Start by Washing Your Kale

Step 1: Washing

Start by washing your kale and removing any wilted or damaged leaves. Proper washing will help ensure that all nutrients are retained in the juice. Next, remove all the dirt and dry with a paper towel before juicing.

Step 2: Chop the Leaves into Smaller Pieces

Once your kale is washed, you’ll need to cut it into smaller pieces for easier processing by the juicer. You can either use a knife or kitchen shears to do this. Chop them into smaller pieces that can fit easily into the juicer’s opening or chamber.

Step 3: Place Kale Into Juicer

Next, put the kale pieces into your juicer and secure the lid. Depending on the type of juicer you have, this may involve placing a container below the spout to catch the juice as it is extracted.

Step 4: Start Juicing

Once the lid is secure, turn on your juicer and start juicing! Depending on the model you have, this could involve pressing a button or two. Just make sure to follow the instructions in your user manual. Be careful about overloading the juicer, as this can cause it to jam or overheat.

Step 5: Monitor Juicing Progress

Monitor the progress of your juicing session by periodically checking on the juicer and stirring the kale in the container if necessary. This will help ensure that all pieces are being adequately processed without clogging or jamming up the juicer.

Step 6: Turn off Juicer When Finished

Once you’re done juicing, turn off the juicer and unplug it from the power outlet. You can also remove the lid to access any remaining pieces of kale in the chamber. While unplugging it, ensure that all the parts are adequately cleaned and dried.

Step 7: Collect Juice in a Container

Using a Sieve

Using a sieve or strainer, pour the freshly-made juice into a container for easy use and storage. Alternatively, you can skip this step if your juicer already has a built-in collecting container.

Step 8: Strain Juice

If your juice contains a significant amount of pulp and you’re looking for a smoother texture, then straining it can help. Simply pour the juice into a sieve or cheesecloth and let the liquid strain out into another container. This method is also useful if you want to get rid of any remaining chunks of kale in the juice. Straining is not necessary, but it is an extra step you can take if desired.

Step 9: Flavor Your Juice

If desired, you can add some flavor to your kale juice by adding ingredients like lemon or ginger. These additions will give your juice a nice kick and enhance its taste. Adding flavor is optional, but it can make your juice more enjoyable to drink.

Step 10: Enjoy Your Juice

Finally, all that’s left to do is enjoy your freshly-made kale juice! It will be packed with nutrients and other beneficial compounds to help nourish and energize your body. So sit back, relax, and savor the delicious taste of your homemade juice!

By following these steps, you should have no problem juicing kale in a juicer. It’s a great way to get the nutrients and health benefits that come with drinking this superfood. With just a few simple steps, you can start enjoying your own freshly-made kale juice at home.

5 Safety Precautions to Take

  1. Always use gloves when handling kale. Kale is a leafy green vegetable that can contain bacteria and other contaminants, so it’s important to wear gloves in order to avoid transferring those germs to your skin.
  2. Wash the kale thoroughly before juicing it. Use cold water and take extra care around the stems, as they may be more likely to have contaminants on them.
  3. Make sure your juicer is in good condition and thoroughly cleaned before use. This will ensure that any bacteria or other potential contaminants are not transferred from one batch of juice to the next.
  4. Use only organic kale for juicing as it will provide the best flavor and nutrients without added chemicals from non-organic sources.
  5. Discard any kale that looks wilted or discolored, as these may carry bacteria. It’s also important to discard any juice if it doesn’t taste or smell normal, as this can be a sign of contamination. Following these safety precautions will ensure you have a safe and tasty experience every time you juice kale in a juicer.
Use Only Organic Kale

5 Tips to Store the Kale Juice

  1. Store the fresh juice in a sealed glass container and use it within 24 hours for optimal freshness. Make sure the container is labeled with the date, so you know when it was made.
  2. Freeze any leftover juice in portion sizes that are suitable for one serving size and use within 6 months. Portion-size containers are especially useful if you’re planning to use the juice for multiple purposes.
  3. If storing in a plastic container, make sure it is BPA-free and BPS-free, as these chemicals can potentially leach into the juice over time.
  4. For longer storage, blanching kale before juicing it is an option. Blanching kills any bacteria present in the kale and helps to preserve color, flavor, and nutrients.
  5. If you are going to use juice in a recipe, add it just before serving in order to maintain its freshness. Keeping these tips in mind will help ensure that your kale juice remains tasty and safe for consumption.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Choose the Best Kale for Juice?

The best type of kale to juice is organic, as it is free from any chemicals or pesticides. Look for vibrant green leaves that are firm to the touch and without any wilting or discoloration. The color is also an indication of the flavor profile, with the darker green leaves being the most bitter and light green leaves being milder in flavor.

How Often Should Kale Juice Be Consumed?

High Concentration of Vitamins and Minerals

It is recommended to drink kale juice no more than once a day as it can contain a high concentration of vitamins and minerals which could cause an upset stomach if consumed in excess. Additionally, kale contains oxalates which can be difficult for the body to process. Therefore, it’s best to alternate between other types of vegetable juices and limit your intake of kale juice.


If you’re looking for a nutrient-rich drink that’s easy to make, look no further than kale juice. Kale is packed with vitamins and minerals, making it a great choice for juicing. Using a juicer to extract juice from kale is one of the simplest methods and requires minimal effort.

However, it’s important to remember to wash your kale thoroughly before juicing, use only organic produce, and follow safety precautions when handling the leafy vegetable. Additionally, following a few tips for storing the juice can help extend its shelf life. Finally, limit your intake of kale juice to once a day, as it can be too much for the body to process. With these steps on how to juice kale in a juicer, you can enjoy kale juice regularly without any worries!

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Pamela Ackley

Hi, I am Pamela and the FOUNDER & EDITOR of I am a juice fanatic and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing my experiences with juicers and blenders with others.I love to juice and blend my favorite fruits and vegetables, and I'm the one behind this site writing everything about juicers and blenders. My passion for juicing started at a young age when I worked with my mom in her kitchen. Today, I continue to pursue my passion by sharing everything I know about juicers and blenders with you all!