How to Make Clam Juice

Clam juice is an amazing and versatile ingredient that adds a bit of the ocean’s bounty to your cooking. Whether you make it from scratch or buy it canned off the shelf, adding this salty liquid to sauces, soups, and other dishes can really enhance their flavor.

How to Make Clam Juice

In this blog post, we’ll cover everything there is to know about making delicious clam juice: how to make clam juice for your recipe; how to prepare them for use in cooking; steps for actually creating homemade clam juice; and finally, some delicious recipes that require another splash of the sea! Keep reading if you want to learn everything needed to make mouth-watering meals with this treasured ingredient.

What Are the Ingredients in Clam Juice?

Clam juice is most often made from steamed or boiled clams, such as quahogs (hard-shell clams) or cherrystones. Besides the clams themselves, some recipes also call for other ingredients like onions, parsley, celery, carrots, bay leaves and white wine.

The vegetables are first sautéed in butter until they’re softened, and then the clam juice is added to the pot along with the other ingredients. After simmering for about 10 minutes or so, the mixture is strained through a sieve to remove any solids.

Some recipes also call for adding tomato paste, Worcestershire sauce or Tabasco sauce. Adding these ingredients gives the final product a more robust flavor that is richer and heartier than clam juice made without them. If you want your clam juice to be especially flavorful, consider using fresh herbs like thyme or basil instead of dried herbs.

Once the clam juice has been cooked and strained, it should be served immediately. The unused portion can be kept in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to five days. For optimal freshness, it’s best to use the juice within the first two days after making it.

Clam Juice Has Been Cooked and Strained

Clam juice is a simple and delicious way to add flavor to your favorite dishes, whether they’re seafood-based or not. As long as you have some clams on hand, you can make this flavorful broth in no time at all. With just a few ingredients and minimal effort, you can enjoy homemade clam juice that tastes better than store-bought varieties!

10 Methods on How to Make Clam Juice

1.  Boiling

One of the simplest methods of making clam juice is to boil the clams in water. This will release the juices from the clams, which can then be strained and used as desired. Bring a pot of fresh water to a boil.

Place the clams in the boiling water and let them cook for several minutes until they open up, releasing the juice. If the clams do not open, you will need to discard them. Though it is possible to cook the clams in other liquids, such as white wine, this is often not recommended due to the potential for unpleasant flavors.

2.  Steaming

Steaming is another option for making clam juice. This method will also release the juices from the clams, which can be collected and used as needed. To steam clams, fill a large pot with about an inch of water and bring it to a boil. Add the clams to the boiling water and cover the pot. 

Leave the clams to steam for five minutes or until they open. When the clams have opened, remove them from the pot and strain the liquid through a sieve or cheesecloth. This liquid is now your clam juice and can be used in recipes or stored for future use. If desired, you can also freeze the clam juice for later use.

3.  Blending

Blending clams with a little bit of water can also create delicious and nutritious clam juice. This method is quick and easy, and it allows you to control the consistency of the final product. To create clam juice using the blending method, start by shelling fresh clams. Put the shelled clams into a blender and add just enough water to cover them.

Create Clam Juice Using
The Blending Method

Blend the mixture until it reaches a smooth consistency, adding more water if needed. Strain the resulting liquid through a fine-mesh strainer to remove any sediment or shell pieces. The resulting liquid is your freshly-made clam juice! It can be enjoyed immediately or stored in the fridge for up to five days.

4.  Juicing

If you have a juicer, you can also use it to make clam juice. Simply place the clams into the juicer and process them according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This will create a juice that has most of the flavor and nutrition found in the clams. Be sure to strain it through a cheesecloth or fine mesh sieve to remove any solids.

If desired, you can also add other ingredients to the juice such as garlic or onions. To make the taste a bit more interesting, you can also add spices such as pepper or herbs. However, be sure to adjust the amount of seasoning according to your taste. Once you have finished juicing and straining the clam juice, it can be served immediately or stored in the refrigerator for later use.

5.  Pressure Cooking

Pressure cooking is another option for making clam juice. This method will extract more of the juices from the clams, resulting in a more concentrated final product. You’ll need a pressure cooker with a steamer basket and some water. Place the clam in the steamer basket, and add enough cold water to cover the clams.

Cover with the pressure cooker lid and lock into place. Follow your specific pressure cooker instructions for timing and safety precautions, and cook until the clams are fully cooked. Strain the clam juice from the liquid in the pressure cooker using a fine mesh strainer.

6.  Slow Cooking

Slow cooking is another method that can be used to make clam juice. This method takes longer than other methods, but it can produce a richer and more flavorful final product. Start by heating a large pan with oil or butter. Then, add in your clams and stir to coat them evenly. Cook on low heat for about 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add in Your Clams and Stir to Coat

When the clams are fully cooked, turn off the heat and use a slotted spoon to remove the clams from the pan. Separate the clam meat from its shells and reserve it for other recipes. Strain the remaining liquid through a fine mesh strainer and pour it into a jar. Allow cooling before bottling.

7.  Fermenting

Fermenting is another option for making clam juice. This method will create a probiotic-rich final product that is packed with nutrients and beneficial bacteria. Fermenting begins by combining an acid such as lemon juice or vinegar with the clams and any other desired ingredients. This mixture is then sealed and left to sit at room temperature for several days, allowing the bacteria naturally present on the clams to work and create a bubbly, fermented beverage.

8.  Canning

Canning is a great option for those who want to make large batches of clam juice that can be stored for long periods of time. This method will preserve the nutritional value of the final product and allow you to enjoy it year-round.

To start, you need to prepare the jars by sterilizing them. Boil the canning jars for 10 minutes, then fill them with the clam juice. Make sure to leave an inch of headspace at the top. Secure the lids and process the jars in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Once the jars have cooled, check to make sure the lids are sealed.

9.  Freezing

Freezing is another great option for those who want to make large batches of clam juice that can be enjoyed at a later date. This method will help to preserve the nutritional value of the final product and allow you to enjoy it for months or even years to come.

To freeze the juice, pour it into small freezer-safe containers and place it in the freezer. Be sure to label each container with the date so you can easily identify the age of the product. When ready to use, simply thaw in the refrigerator and enjoy!

10. Infusing

Infusing is a Method Where the Flavors of Herbs

Infusing is a method where the flavors of herbs, spices and other ingredients are infused into the clam juice. This method can be used to make the clam juice more flavorful and to give it a unique taste. To infuse, first add the herbs, spices and other ingredients of your choice into a muslin cloth or cheesecloth bag. Place this bag into the pan with the strained clam juice and allow it to simmer for at least 10 minutes on low heat.


If you are looking for a delicious and fresh clam juice, making it yourself is the best option. This recipe is perfect for any day; it is simple, requires minimal ingredients and can be enjoyed alongside your favorite dishes or alone. With this recipe, you are guaranteed to be pleased with the results! 

Now that you know how to make clam juice from scratch, there’s no need to ever buy it from a store or restaurant again. You have all the tools necessary to make homemade clam juice from home and enjoy its many health benefits.

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Pamela Ackley

Hi, I am Pamela and the FOUNDER & EDITOR of I am a juice fanatic and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing my experiences with juicers and blenders with others. I love to juice and blend my favorite fruits and vegetables, and I'm the one behind this site writing everything about juicers and blenders. My passion for juicing started at a young age when I worked with my mom in her kitchen. Today, I continue to pursue my passion by sharing everything I know about juicers and blenders with you all!