How to Can Grape Juice

Canning is a great way to preserve and enjoy grape juice at its peak flavor. When you can your own grape juice, you are in full control of the ingredients and additives that go into it. This allows you to create a healthier beverage than is commercially available. Additionally, canned grape juice has a longer shelf life than juice that has been refrigerated, allowing you to enjoy it for months or even years. The process of canning grape juice is simple and doesn’t require any special equipment.

How to Can Grape Juice

Canning grape juice is a simple and cost-effective way to preserve the flavor and nutrition of fresh grapes. Canned grape juice can last for up to a year, making it ideal for storing in pantries or cupboards. The canning process also ensures that the juice remains as close to its original form as possible, retaining valuable vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds found in fresh grapes. You can find step-by-step instructions on how to can grape juice in this blog article.

Step-by-step Instructions for How to Can Grape Juice

Step 1: Inspect the Grapes

Before you begin canning your grape juice, thoroughly inspect the grapes to ensure they are free from decay and blemishes. If there are any damaged or rotten grapes, discard them right away.

Step 2: Wash Grapes Thoroughly

Rinse the grapes in cold running water for at least a few minutes to remove any dirt and debris. Remove all stems from the grapes with your hands or a knife. Put the grapes in a food processor or blender and blend until it becomes a smooth puree. If you don’t have a food processor or blender, you can crush the grapes using a potato masher.

Step 3: Place Grapes in Pot and Bring to Boil

Put the puree into a large pot and bring it to a boil over medium-high heat. Stir occasionally as it boils for about 10 minutes until it becomes a thick syrup. Once your grape juice is ready, you need to cool it down before refrigerating or canning it. To do this, let the liquid sit in a bowl filled with ice until it reaches room temperature. If you don’t have ice available, simply turn off the heat and allow the syrup to cool naturally for about an hour.

Step 4: Refrigerate or Can

Once your grape juice is cooled, you have the option to either refrigerate it or can it. To can the juice, carefully pour the liquid into sterilized jars and seal them with a lid. Place the filled jars in a large pot of boiling water for about 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, remove the jars from the boiling water and gently place them on a towel in an area with plenty of airflow. Allow the jars to cool completely before handling or storing them.

Carefully Pour the Liquid Into Sterilized Jars

Step 5: Label the Jars

When your jars are cooled, take some time to label them with the date and contents. This will help you keep track of your canning process. Once all the jars are labeled, it’s time to store them away. For best results, place the jars in a cool and dark place without exposure to direct sunlight or heat.

By following these steps, you can easily preserve your grape juice for long-term storage and enjoy it all year round.

Safety Tips for How to Can Grape Juice

  1. Wash your hands with warm soapy water, and rinse them well before handling the fruit or preparing juice.
  2. Use only clean, ripe grapes for making juice. Discard any grapes that are spoiled or moldy.
  3. Sterilize all equipment used in canning grape juice before using it. This includes the jars, lids, and canning tools.
  4. Select a pot that is large enough to fill all of your jars with juice but not so deep that it will overflow when boiling.
  5. Fill each jar with freshly made grape juice and leave 1/2 inch of headspace at the top.
  6. Heat the jars of grape juice in a hot water bath for at least 10 minutes to ensure that your juice is properly sealed and will not spoil.
  7. Place the sealed jars on top of a towel or rack and allow them to cool for 12-24 hours.
  8. After 24 hours, check each jar lid to make sure that it is sealed properly. If any jars are not sealed, put them in the refrigerator and consume them within two weeks. 
Check Each Jar Lid to Make Sure

By following these safety tips while canning your homemade grape juice, you can ensure that your juice is shelf-stable and safe for consumption for an extended period.

How Long Do You Need to Process the Grape Juice in a Water Bath or Pressure Canner? 

Once the jars are filled, you need to process them in a water bath or pressure canner. Processing time will depend on whether you use the a-pack or raw-pack methods for packing grape juice into the jars. The processing time is much shorter for hot-packed jars since the heat has already been applied to the fruit before packing.

For a hot pack of grape juice, the jars are processed in a water bath canner for 25 minutes. If you’re using a pressure canner, the processing time is 10 minutes at 10 pounds of pressure (PSI).

If you use the raw-pack method, both water bath and pressure canning require a longer processing time. For water bath canning, you will need to process the jars for 45 minutes; while pressure canning requires processing for 15 minutes at 10 pounds of pressure (PSI). The temperature inside the canner must be maintained at 212° F (100° C) or above for the food to be safely processed.

For this reason, it is important to ensure the canner has enough water in it so it does not drop too low and cause unsafe temperatures inside the canner.

Are There Any Health Benefits to Consuming Canned Grape Juice? 

Yes, there are many health benefits to consuming canned grape juice. This type of juice is packed with vitamins and minerals that can improve overall health. Canned grape juice contains antioxidants like polyphenols and resveratrol, which may help reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases. It also contains high amounts of vitamin C, which helps protect against immune system deficiencies and can also help maintain healthy skin and eyesight.

Canned Grape Juice Contains Antioxidants

Additionally, canned grape juice is a great source of fiber, as well as minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium. With these nutrients, canned grape juice can aid in digestion and promote bone health.

Overall, canned grape juice is an extremely nutritious beverage that may provide many health benefits. It can be enjoyed as part of a healthy, balanced diet without fear of compromising one’s health due to its low sugar content and high nutrient profile. So, if you’re looking for an easy way to add more nutrition to your diet, consider trying canned grape juice. 

What Type of Storage Containers Are Best for Storing Canned Grape Juice? 

Storing canned grape juice is easy as long as you use the right containers. The best type of containers for storing canned grape juice are glass or plastic jars that have tight-fitting lids. This helps to keep out moisture and pests and also makes it easier to seal the jar securely.

It’s also a good idea to label each container with the date it was canned and a brief description, such as “Grape Juice.” Glass jars are ideal for storing grape juice because they do not absorb odors or flavors, meaning that your grape juice will remain fresh and tasty over time.

However, if you drop a glass jar, it could break and ruin your grapes. If you decide to use a glass jar, be sure to store it in a cool, dry location and handle it with care. Plastic jars are another great option for storing canned grape juice. They are shatter-proof, so if you drop them, they won’t break, and they also keep out moisture more efficiently than glass jars. Plastic jars are usually cheaper than glass, so if you’re on a budget, they may be the better option for you.

Plastic Jars Are Another Great Option


One of the biggest disadvantages associated with canning grape juice is that it can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. Since the process involves boiling jars in hot water, it can take several hours to complete. Additionally, because each jar must be filled with liquid and sealed before being placed in the pot for boiling, there is a risk of burning your hands or arms.

In conclusion,  canning grape juice is a simple and easy way to store grapes’ delicious, juicy flavor for months or even years. With the right supplies and attention to detail during the process, you can ensure that your canned grape juice will be safe and enjoyable whenever you’re ready to enjoy it. Canning is your best choice if you’re looking for a way to enjoy the sweet, refreshing taste of grape juice for longer than just a few days.

I hope reading this post has helped you learn how to can grape juice. Make sure the safety precautions are carried out in the order listed.

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Pamela Ackley

Hi, I am Pamela and the FOUNDER & EDITOR of I am a juice fanatic and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing my experiences with juicers and blenders with others.I love to juice and blend my favorite fruits and vegetables, and I'm the one behind this site writing everything about juicers and blenders. My passion for juicing started at a young age when I worked with my mom in her kitchen. Today, I continue to pursue my passion by sharing everything I know about juicers and blenders with you all!