How to Make a Rusa Drink

Russa drinks are a refreshing and delicious way to cool down during the summer. Welcome to our blog post on how to make a Rusa drink! This refreshing and delicious cocktail is perfect for any occasion and is incredibly easy to make. All you need is vodka, apple cider, cranberry juice, and sprite, and you’re ready to go. So grab your ingredients, and let’s get started!

A Rusa drink is a refreshing cocktail made with vodka, apple cider, cranberry juice, and sprite. It is perfect for any occasion and is easy to make.

how to make a rusa drink

Summary: Rusa is a popular Indonesian drink made of condensed milk, lime juice, and either rum or vodka. It is typically served cold over ice and garnished with a piece of lime. To make the drink, mix two parts condensed milk with one part fresh lime juice, then add either rum or vodka to taste. Stir thoroughly and serve over ice. For a special touch, try adding a piece of glass to the top of the drink.

Required Materials

  • Vodka
  • Apple Cider
  • Cranberry Juice
  • Sprite

A Stepwise Guide on How to Make a Rusa Drink

Step 1: Determine the Rusa Type

There are many different types of rusa, each containing its own unique flavor. A popular choice is the Ceylon rusa, which includes vibrant red color and tastes like cinnamon. It can be bought in powder or pill form. If you purchase the powder variety, it will need to be mixed with fruit juice, while the capsules can be taken as is.

There are many different types of rusa, but the Ceylon rusa is one of the most popular. It has a vibrant red color and tastes like cinnamon. It can be bought in powder or pill form. If you purchase the powder variety, it will need to be mixed with fruit juice, while the capsules can be taken as is.

Step 2: Gether Ingredients

Get the following ingredients:

  • 1 shot of vodka (you can substitute Tequila, gin, or rum if you wish)
  • 4 cups cranberry juice
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • ice -The cheapest vodka you can find in your area should do just fine. You don’t need to spend a lot on this drink.

Put about five ice cubes into each glass and pour in 1 shot of vodka. Top off each glass with cranberry juice and orange juice. Add any fruit garnish that strikes your fancy.

Other ingredients that can be used to make a rusa drink include:

  • 1 shot of vodka (you can substitute Tequila, gin, or rum if you wish)
  • 4 cups cranberry juice
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • Ice

Step 3: Start by Dipping the Rim Add Chamoy Sauce

Before mixing the drink, dip the rim of each glass in water, then pour about 1/2 teaspoon of sugar onto a small plate. Dip the moistened edge of each glass into the sugar until all of it is used up. Next, mix about 1/2 cup of chamoy sauce with 1/4 cup water, then pour this into a spray bottle. Mist the surface of each glass lightly, and you’re done! The jury is still out on this one. Some people love the slightly sour and spicy flavor that chamoy sauce brings to the drink, while others find it a little too overpowering. If you’re not sure how it will taste, start with a small amount and add more if needed.

Use 4 Cups Cranberry

Step 4: Adding the Rusa

Take a glass and fill it halfway up with fruit juice. After this, take a teaspoon of the rusa powder and pour it into the glass. Next, stir well until everything has been blended together thoroughly. Furthermore, you may also opt to add ice cubes for a more refreshing beverage. There are a few different ways to add rusa to your drink. One way is to mix the powder with fruit juice before adding it to the glass. Another way is to add the rusa directly to the glass and stir well until it’s blended in. Finally, you can also add ice cubes for a more refreshing beverage.

Step 5: Insert the Tamarindo Stick:

The next step is to insert the tamarindo stick into the rusa drink. Grab a thin, long branch and remove any decorations on it. You can use any kind of Tamarindo stick as long as it’s small enough to fit inside your container or cup.

The tamarindo stick is added for flavor. It adds a special taste to the rusa drink. If you want to try something new, it’s best to experiment with how many tamarindo sticks you need for how much water and how long it should soak to extract its flavor. However, please don’t leave it for more than 24 hours, as too much time will remove a bitter taste from the tamarindo stick.

The goal is to make the rusa drink flavorful but not too bitter.

Step 6: Let it Soak

Now you must let the rusa drink soak for at least an hour to extract all of its flavors. After an hour, please take out your bottle, cup or container and then pour the rusa drink into it. You can enjoy your alcoholic rusa drink right away!

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Use Alcohol

Step 7: Notable Additions

You can add different types of alcohol to the rusa drink, such as vodka, gin, and whiskey. In addition, raspberries and mint leaves are great additions to your rusa drink, giving the drink a sweeter flavor.


Vodka is an excellent way to give your rusa drink an extra kick. You can also substitute vodka for gin or Tequila, depending on how you want the drink to taste. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to adding vodka to a rusa drink. Some people prefer the taste of vodka in their rusa, while others find it overpowering. If you’re not sure how it will taste, start with a small amount and add more if needed.


Tequila is another great substitution to give your rusa drink a bit of extra flavor. Using Tequila is a good idea because it gives your drink a bit of extra flavor. It also has a slightly different flavor than vodka, giving your drink a new twist.


Gin can be substituted for vodka or Tequila, depending on how you want the rusa drink to taste. Gin will give the drink an added spiciness. Using gin is a good idea because it gives the drink added spiciness. Gin also has a slightly different flavor than vodka, giving your drink a new twist.

Mint Leaves:

Adding mint leaves into your rusa drink is a great way to give it some flavor and add some freshness.

Add Mint Leaves
  • Make a perfect rusa
  • Make different flavors of rusa
  • Grow your own mint leaves


Adding raspberries into your rusa drink will give the drink a sweeter taste and make it perfect for any time of year. Using raspberries is a good idea because they add sweetness and flavor to the drink. You can use any berries you like, but raspberries are a great option because they have a tart flavor that goes well with the mint.

Step 8: Refrain from Consuming too Much Alcohol.

Remember that this beverage is an alcoholic drink and that it must be consumed in moderation. Do not drink too much at once! Drinking rusa drinks excessively can lead to serious consequences such as high blood pressure, liver damage, or even death. If you want to know more about how to make a rusa drink, keep reading.

Step 9: Grand Marnier

Adding Grand Marnier to your rusa drink will give the drink a citrus flavor. This addition will make your rusa drink even tastier!

Step 10: Enjoying the Drink

You are now ready to enjoy your very own rusa drink! However, it is important not to take too large of a gulp as the mixture may be too strong for you to handle at first. Also, pay attention to how long the taste lasts- once it does, you have reached your limit and must stop drinking immediately.

Do remember to keep this drink away from children as it may contain certain elements that are harmful to them.

As mentioned earlier, there are various different types of rusa available on the market today, each with its own unique taste and benefits. However, some people have difficulty finding a particular type or are unsure how to mix the powder. If you are one of these people, fret no longer as this article will provide you with a simple how to make a rusa drink guide that anyone can follow.

How to Store Rusa Drink in 3 Tips

1. The powder form of rusa drink (which is how it is usually found) can be stored in a cool, dry place. Once you are ready to make the beverage, take out what you need and replace the amount taken with an equal amount of water. Make sure that this mixture is stirred well before use.

2. Rusa drink that is in its liquid form must also be kept in a cool, dark place but should always stay away from children as they may not know how to handle it properly.

Make Sure That You Store It Correctly

3. When purchasing your bottle of rusa drink, make sure that you store it correctly once it has been opened so that it does not go bad before you have had a chance to enjoy it all. As long as you follow the how to make a rusa drink guide provided in this article, you can enjoy your very own delicious beverage.

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Rusa is a delicious and refreshing drink that can easily be made at home. With just a few simple ingredients, you can enjoy this tasty beverage any time you want. Give it a try today! Thanks for reading our post about how to make a rusa drink.

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Pamela Ackley

Hi, I am Pamela and the FOUNDER & EDITOR of I am a juice fanatic and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing my experiences with juicers and blenders with others.I love to juice and blend my favorite fruits and vegetables, and I'm the one behind this site writing everything about juicers and blenders. My passion for juicing started at a young age when I worked with my mom in her kitchen. Today, I continue to pursue my passion by sharing everything I know about juicers and blenders with you all!