How to Make Kale Tonic Juice From First Watch

If you’re looking for a way to get more kale into your diet, look no further than this delicious kale tonic juice from First Watch. This drink is packed with nutrients and antioxidants, and it’s a great way to start your day or refuel after a workout. Plus, it’s easy to make – all you need is a juicer! This article wil discuss how to make kale tonic juice from first watch.

Kale tonic juice is the perfect way to enjoy the health benefits of kale. It will give you a surge of energy and provide you with all the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Making kale tonic juice from the first watch is easy when you have a juicer, and this article will give you the ingredients and instructions you need.

How to Make Kale Tonic Juice From First Watch

Summary: Kale Tonic Juice is a delicious and nutritious drink that can be easily made from First Watch. Start with fresh kale, and blend it with a few other ingredients, such as honey, ginger, lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar. This blend of ingredients provides the perfect balance of sweet and sour flavors while also providing essential vitamins and minerals.

Can You Drink Kale Juice Everyday?

Kale juice is known for its numerous health benefits, but drinking it every day comes with some risks. While drinking kale juice often is safe, the high levels of vitamins and minerals in kale juice can lead to an excessive intake of these nutrients if not monitored regularly.

Drinking too much kale juice can upset your digestive system, cause bloating and gas, or put you at risk for other nutrient-related issues as well. As with any food or drink, moderation is key when it comes to consuming kale juice.

What Are the Benefits of Drinking Kale Juice?

If you’re not among the growing group of people who drink kale juice every morning right away, this article will convince you to join because it is full of benefits.

The nutritional content of kale varies depending on the subspecies and cultivar. Still, generally, all types are good sources of B vitamins (e.g., [3]- [4]),  vitamin C, vitamin E, and K  vitamins, and [5], folic acid (converted in the body into folates), dietary minerals such as iron and manganese, and dietary fiber.

Kale juice also has phytonutrients, the substances present in plants, and other types of food to protect them against diseases, infections, environmental stressors, etc.

The nutrients found in this vegetable juice can help your body maintain optimum health levels. Here is a summary list of the benefits you could enjoy by drinking 1-2 glasses daily:

  • 1 glass provides 77% recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin C;
  • 2 glasses provide 134% RDA for vitamin A;
  • it contains high amounts of vitamin B6 or pyridoxine;
  • it is rich in manganese, which helps regulate blood sugar levels and prevent;
  • it contains valuable dietary fiber;
  • it contains the compounds glucoraphanin and sulforaphane, natural cancer-preventing agents.

What Type of Kale Should I Use to Make Juice?

Many different subspecies of kale have been cultivated over the years, but all types are beneficial for your health. That’s why you can use any kind you find at the market, but here is an essential list, so you know how to choose:

Curly kale has curly leaves with a soft texture. The most familiar variety available today is green curly kale. It tastes sweeter than other kales because it contains more sugar. As a result, curly kale juice doesn’t taste as strong as different juices do, making it ideal for drinking with fruit or vegetable juices.

– lacinato kale has long, narrow leaves and a more chewy texture. Traditional Tuscan kale is also called dinosaur kale because its shape resembles a dinosaur’s skin;

– red Russian kale has dark green leaves and a tender texture. It is considered one of the healthiest types of kales you can find at the market because it tastes sweet without being bitter, but it tends to spoil quickly, so you have to buy small quantities from time to time.


  • Juice of 1/4 lemon
  • 1 green apple, cored & sliced
  • 3 celery stalks, chopped or to taste
  • 4 kale leaves, stems removed & roughly chopped
  • large cucumber (about 3 cups when peeled), chopped or to taste

A Detailed Guide on How to Make Kale Tonic Juice From First Watch 

Step 1: Determine How Much You Will Use

Before you get started, it is essential to note that this recipe will yield more than one serving. How many servings you get will depend on what size of the container you use to store your juice. For example, a single-serve blender cup might only hold 6 ounces of the kale tonic, while a mason jar with 18-ounces might end up having enough for 3 or 4 small glasses.

 Use to Store Your Juice

Step 2: Peel Your Cucumber

Using a Y-peeler, peel the cucumber until all that’s left are long green stripes running along its body. Before chopping the remainder into pieces for your tonic juice base, discard these parts. Chop accordingly if you use more giant cucumbers or want more in your juice.

Step 3: Add Water

Start by adding about an ounce of water to each cup to help with blending. How much you choose to use will depend on how healthy your ingredients are, as well as what kind of blender you have. For example, if you want a less dense juice, ice or more water would be needed for the base before adding the greens and vegetables. How much water you add will also affect how thick or diluted your final kale tonic juice will taste.

Step 4: Add the Cucumber to Your Kale Tonic Juice

Add Your Cucumber Pieces to a Blender

Add your cucumber pieces to a blender or juicer. How you do it will depend on what equipment is available and how strong it is. If using a blender, add in all ingredients one at a time before starting the machine. Make sure that the blender’s lid is tightly secured for this step. Once activated, blend until smooth or desired consistency is reached. When using a juicer, place the cucumbers into the chute first, followed by other ingredients in the order listed above. In this case, try to run everything through with several large chunks of ice cubes for best results when serving chilled tonic juice from First Watch.

Step 5: Add Your Ingredients to a Mason Jar (or Other Serving Container)

Add your blended tonic juice to the container of choice, taking care not to fill it up. If using a mason jar or other glassware, consider adding ice cubes and lemon wedges before pouring in your blended tonic juice. This will make it look pretty and give your guests a pleasant surprise when they taste the juice. Get creative with this step, using lemons or limes to make stripes along the inside of the glass for an extra pop of flavor to go with your kale tonic juice from First Watch.

Step 6: Add Garnishable Ingredients to Your Kale Tonic Juice Serving

When serving kale tonic juice from First Watch, you can further enhance the presentation by adding garnishments. How much or how little of these ingredients will depend entirely on your personal preference. Everyday items used as garnishment include cucumbers, lemons, limes, apples, melon chunks, and mint leaves. You may also consider adding spices like freshly ground pepper or clove powder for a more festive take on this drink.

Freshly Ground Pepper

Step 7: Serve & Enjoy

Serve over ice and enjoy at home or offer up in to-go cups for busy commuters on their way to work! How you serve up this kale tonic juice will depend again on its size. If drinking straight out of a mason jar, it might be wise to get straws if serving multiple people so that everyone can enjoy without spillage while helping themselves or others to the refreshing blend of fresh fruit and vegetables. These steps will help in how to make kale tonic juice from first watch.

Can You Drink Kale Juice Everyday?

Kale juice is known for its numerous health benefits, but drinking it every day comes with some risks. While drinking kale juice often is safe, the high levels of vitamins and minerals in kale juice can lead to an excessive intake of these nutrients if not monitored regularly.

Drinking too much kale juice can upset your digestive system, cause bloating and gas, or put you at risk for other nutrient-related issues as well. As with any food or drink, moderation is key when it comes to consuming kale juice.

What Does Kale Taste Like in Juice Form?

If you’re looking to get your daily dose of vegetables, the Kale Tonic Juice from First Watch is a great beverage option. Not only does this drink have kale in it, but it also has spinach and cucumber to boot. This juice can have a sweet taste with an earthy finish, though some people may still think that they are drinking actual dirt. After all, Kale doesn’t taste like any other food on the planet. If you want to know how much kale is in one glass or what kale tastes like juiced up, then continue reading!

According to one person who set out to find the answer, the original Kale Tonic Juice from First Watch lacks in kale content. Only 1 gram of kale per 8 ounces. So if you’re looking for a drink that has a lot of something green, then this probably isn’t it. Each 16 ounce Kale Tonic Juice only contains 2 grams of kale.

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Use a Cucumber

Kale tastes like dirt or clay when it’s juiced up. It’s not always easy to pick up on the taste at first, but once your tongue figures out what you’re drinking, it can be an unpleasant surprise. The original version of the Kale Tonic from First Watch has a very fresh taste when it’s cold. The drink is crisp, refreshing, and smooth going down your throat, minus the earthy finish that will linger on your palate. If you’re looking for a kale tonic juice that isn’t made with spinach and cucumber, then maybe trying something else would be in your best interest.

It’s worth noting that kale juice is exceptionally healthy for you. It’ll give you more energy than other green juices because of the high fiber content. You should drink it within an hour or two of juice, though. Otherwise, all that good stuff will go to waste!

You can check it out to How to Make Drink to Shrink


Kale tonic is packed with essential nutrients, including vitamin C, fiber, calcium, beta-carotene, and potassium. Kale tonic juice can be prepared using fresh kale leaves at home. Some of the most popular tonic recipes include kale apple ginger lemonade, honey-lime kale tonic, and orange garlic kale tonic. We hope you have learned how to make kale tonic juice from first watch. Thank you for reading.

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Pamela Ackley

Hi, I am Pamela and the FOUNDER & EDITOR of I am a juice fanatic and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing my experiences with juicers and blenders with others. I love to juice and blend my favorite fruits and vegetables, and I'm the one behind this site writing everything about juicers and blenders. My passion for juicing started at a young age when I worked with my mom in her kitchen. Today, I continue to pursue my passion by sharing everything I know about juicers and blenders with you all!