How to Make Potato Juice for Acid Reflux

Do you suffer from acid reflux? Are you looking for a natural remedy that can provide relief without resorting to over-the-counter medicines or drastic lifestyle changes? You may want to consider trying potato juice! Potato juice is an age-old folk remedy often recommended as a home treatment for digestive issues, including acid reflux.

How to Make Potato Juice for Acid Reflux

In this blog post, we’ll go through the benefits of drinking potato juice and how you can make it easily at home. We’ll discuss how it’s best used to minimize symptoms while helping your body heal itself naturally. Read on to learn all about how to make potato juice for acid reflux and its potential to treat the discomfort associated with acid reflux.

Summary: Potato juice is a potential home remedy for acid reflux, which is a condition that causes heartburn, chest pain, and other uncomfortable symptoms. Potato juice contains alkaline properties, which may help neutralize stomach acid and provide relief from acid reflux. To make potato juice, you will need to wash and peel a potato, blend or juice it, strain the juice, and drink it immediately.

Is Potato Juice Good for Acidity?

Yes, potato juice is a great natural remedy for acid reflux. Studies have found that potato juice has an alkalizing effect on the body, which can reduce symptoms of acid reflux. Additionally, the high amount of soluble fiber in potatoes helps to absorb stomach acids and keep them from splashing up into the esophagus. Potato juice is also high in vitamins and minerals that can help to aid digestion, including magnesium, potassium, iron, and vitamin C.

To make the most out of potato juice for acid reflux, it’s best to drink fresh juice without adding any other ingredients. Start by washing one large potato or 2-3 small potatoes and cut them into cubes. Place the cubes in a blender with one cup of filtered water and blend until smooth. You can strain the mixture through a fine mesh cloth if desired to remove any solids or skin particles. Drink the fresh juice immediately after preparing it for maximum benefit.

It’s important to note that while potato juice is generally safe for those suffering from acid reflux, some people may experience an adverse reaction. If at any point you feel like the juice is not agreeing with you, discontinue using it and speak to your doctor about other ways to manage your acid reflux symptoms.

Overall, potato juice can be a great natural remedy for those suffering from occasional bouts of heartburn or acid reflux. As with any other natural remedy, it’s important to do your research and consult with your doctor to make sure that potato juice is suitable for you.

Potato Juice for Acid Reflux

6 Methods How to Make Potato Juice for Acid Reflux

1. Boiled Potato Juice for Acid Reflux:

Boiling potatoes is one of the simplest and most common ways to prepare potato juice for providing relief from acid reflux. Begin by washing the potatoes with a vegetable brush and cold water. Then, peel them by carefully removing the skin with a knife or a vegetable peeler.

Once peeled, cut the potatoes into small cubes or slices, depending on your preference. Place them in a pot and add enough water to cover the potatoes completely before bringing them to a boil over medium-high heat.

Reduce the heat to low and let simmer for 10-15 minutes until softened enough that you can easily mash them with a fork. Strain out any excess liquid and mash again until a smooth puree is achieved. Allow it to cool down completely before drinking it or add some lemon or honey if needed to enhance flavor.

2. Blended Potato Juice:

A simple yet effective way of making potato juice is using a blender as it helps break down fibers quickly and effectively while retaining much of its nutritional content, such as potassium and magnesium, which are helpful in countering acid reflux symptoms. Start off by peeling the potatoes before cutting them into smaller pieces that would fit into your blender jar comfortably.

Add filtered water in order to blend smoothly, then blend at high speed for about two minutes before straining out the juice through cheesecloth or muslin cloth into a bowl. Lastly, pour this juice into glasses and drink immediately or store in airtight containers for future use!

Making Potato Juice is Using a Blender

3. Raw Potato Juice:

If you’re looking for quick relief from acid reflux symptoms without having to cook, raw potato juice may be beneficial in helping reduce discomfort associated with heartburn as it contains enzymes that support digestion processes within the body when consumed on an empty stomach each morning upon waking up!

Begin by juicing organic potatoes either in a masticating juicer or blender, depending on what type of juicer you have access to at home; start off with 1-2 cups of chopped potatoes per serving size if using a blender; otherwise, just 2-3 chunks will be sufficient when using a masticating juicer only! If desired, you can also add some freshly squeezed lemon juice or honey for extra flavor. Drink this first thing in the morning daily for the best results!

4. Slow Cooker Potato Juice:

For those who want their potato juice ready and waiting when they wake up each morning should consider investing in an electric slow cooker which makes preparing potato juice even easier than boiling it on the stovetop – plus, there’s no need to watch over it while cooking either!

To make slow cooker potato juice, place washed & chopped/cubed potatoes inside slow cooker pots along with some filtered water; then set the slow cooker timer accordingly so that your desired cooked time duration isn’t exceeded (usually 6 hours max).

Preparing Potato Juice Even Easier Than Boiling

When finished cooking, use a strainer/sieve/food mill tool set over the bowl below it to catch dripping liquid while still warm – afterward, transfer strained liquid contents directly into a glass container(s) ready for consumption later! 

5. Pressure Cooked Potato Juice:

Pressure cooking is another great option when making potato juice as this helps preserve vital nutrients & minerals found in potatoes more efficiently due to lower temperature settings used compared to other methods discussed above – simply fill the pressure cooker pot half full with chopped/cubed raw potatoes (skin removed) & top off remaining space w/filtered water – seal lid tightly & bring up pressure setting according directions before pressing start button & allowing natural steam release method (NPR) once finished cooking process!

After pressure has been released naturally from the open pot lid slowly so that any steam doesn’t scald the face – use a strainer/sieve/food mill tool set over the bowl below it again here too catch the dripping liquid while still warm – afterward,, transfer strained liquid contents directly into a glass container(s) ready consumption later if desired!

6. Baked Potato Juice:

If you’re looking for something slightly different from the previously discussed boiled/pressure-cooked methods, then baking might be the right choice. Its own benefits, such as achieving a crispier texture (outside but soft inside) which adds a unique flavor profile not found elsewhere – begin preheating the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit before washing & chopping whole raw spuds (skin left intact), followed by placing them onto a greased baking sheet tray.

Bake for 45 minutes, flipping halfway through ensure evenness on all sides; after done, remove trays and let cool for a few minutes, so handling is easier – strain through cheesecloth/muslin cloth bowl, capturing juices from maturely poured accumulated liquid pitchers.

Serve imminently glass mug, optionally adding a touch of honey citrus if preferred taste buds pallet allows further customization recipes already mastered kitchen skillset capability level like a professional chef does night after night respectably prepared menus diners reception satisfaction rating achieved deservedly earned title “masterful” connoisseur cuisine creations noticeable marked difference quality dining experience perceivable everyone around dinner table ready savor unique flavors being served plated leaving lasting impression culinary artistry!

Can Potato Juice Cure Ulcers?

Potato juice has long been used as a natural remedy for treating acid reflux and ulcers. While there is some limited evidence that it can help reduce symptoms of acid reflux, the research on its effects on ulcers is inconclusive.

A 2003 study published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice indicated that potato juice could reduce symptoms of acid reflux in a small sample of participants. However, the study was not designed to prove that potato juice is an effective treatment for acid reflux.

When it comes to ulcers, there is no research available to suggest that potato juice can cure or even alleviate these sores. In fact, some evidence suggests that potatoes can aggravate ulcers. For those with existing ulcers, it is best to avoid drinking potato juice and seek medical advice about proper treatments for the condition.

Potato Juice Can Cure

In conclusion, while there is some evidence that potato juice can reduce symptoms of acid reflux, its ability to treat or cure ulcers have not been proven in any clinical studies. It is best to consult a qualified healthcare professional before using this remedy for either condition.  However, if you decide to try it out on your own, make sure you use fresh potatoes and take breaks between uses to ensure your body absorbs the nutrients properly. Remember, when it comes to health – prevention is always key!


By following these tips on how to make potato juice for acid reflux, you can make sure that your pull-out bed is not only comfortable for guests but also durable enough to withstand repeated use. With a little bit of extra effort, you can make sure that your guests have a good night’s sleep – no matter where they’re staying. Thanks for reading!

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Pamela Ackley

Hi, I am Pamela and the FOUNDER & EDITOR of I am a juice fanatic and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing my experiences with juicers and blenders with others.I love to juice and blend my favorite fruits and vegetables, and I'm the one behind this site writing everything about juicers and blenders. My passion for juicing started at a young age when I worked with my mom in her kitchen. Today, I continue to pursue my passion by sharing everything I know about juicers and blenders with you all!